Monday, 8 March 2010

Oh No - Not Again!

If you were Security Personnel would you be more worried about the man with the swarthy complexion, whose passport has the word "bin" or "al" in it, or the petite lady of a certain age who makes an English Rose look ugly? Aha! So you don't believe in the double-bluff? Sue has been found guilty of iffy fingerprints in the USA, and now suspected of having something explosive in Sydney. I said it was only her temper and they laughed...-ish. I reckon that when Customs in Auckland rip her case to shreds for smuggling that Class A** of all substances, Marmite, there's a good chance that she'll become a victim of rendition and end up somewhere in Cuba.

Three-quarters of an hour out from Auckland, and guess what the landing forecast was? Rain showers! Won't really matter to Sue because I'm told that the prisons do have roofs. Just hope they let her out in time to go to Brisbane.

They got it wrong! There is the airport.

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