Monday, 1 March 2010

In Like a Lamb

It had to be true! After all those days wanting to be either on the golf course or in the garden, here we are putting the final touches to the escape plan...and March arrives like the proverbial lamb. Fortunately, looking at the Auckland forecast we ought not to be disappointed for the first couple of days.
So, no worries then! The taxi arrived on time; it was large enough; there was no hold-up on the roads; the check-in was almost instantaneous, and we had almost 3 hours of shop browsing and BA Lounge luxury to enjoy. I've tried to educate Mum in the way of business travel, but she hasn't got the grasp of all of it yet. It's the bit about stuffing yourself with wine and sandwiches before getting on to the aircraft that causes her difficulty. The gene of "because it's there and it's free" doesn't connect with her. Anyway I think I managed not to let the family name down by doing her share as well as mine! And so, to boarding on time .... and Hong Kong.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear it all went smoothly yesterday and that the Newman family name is still respected in free food circles! It is gloriously sunny here again today - hurrah! I'm enjoying the blog!
