Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Now She's Beginning to Understand!

You'd expect Hong Kong to be all hustle and bustle, but after a textbook flight, on time and smooth, we arrived in a very calm airport terminal, strolled very calmly to the Qantas Business Lounge and found there were 3 other people there! We went to the shower suite, and I thought I was making the most of it but Mum still appeared 10 minutes later than me, with a grin from ear to ear, saying that she was tempted to stay in there all day. She has just polished off 2 coffees, a plate of fruit, a piece of cake and there's only an hour and a bit before we board for another meal. I think she's beginning to get the hang of this business travel.
Of course, being March 2 we had to have a little birthday celebration and get our picture taken by the other occupant - you can see how empty it was - and open the cards; thanks to everyone. No candles but 2 very small cakes to savour, when the appetite returns, and off to compare the Qantas Luxury with BA Luxury. It's a tough life but someone has to do it!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having a great time! Just to let you know, your blog readership has grown - Nick S sent the link to his parents!
