Friday, 9 April 2010

Homeward Bound

Just to emphasize my last point about the friendship circle that seems to exist around Susan, we were joined by another one of her group, Rhonda, at breakfast, just to come and say goodbye. There will be similar circumstances in the UK but we are not accustomed to it, certainly not around the south-east, and it has been one of the highlights of the trip to participate in such a warm support group.

Susan was able to join us at the departure gate for a final coffee. Name one major UK airport that nowadays allows non-passengers into the airside environment, even if only domestic? The little English lady terrorist was again singled out at both Melbourne and Sydney for special attention by the security staff, and is now so familiar with the test procedures for explosives residue that she is thinking of applying for a job at Gatwick or Heathrow. She made great friends with the guy at Sydney who explained the whole process very thoroughly. Panic shopping ensued at Sydney, because we had 3 hours to kill and used up 2 ½ of them before we had eventually got rid of all the cash.

It’s now midnight, Australian time, 9 p.m. in Bangkok, and 3 p.m. in England. I expect to be disturbed shortly, to have to consume some of British Airways finest finger sandwiches and lukewarm tea. Publishing this in the Qantas Lounge in Bangkok will have to take second place to the shower facility, and the rate of upload of pictures is very variable, so the final sentence may have to wait to 31 Abbotswood tomorrow. It’s been a great trip and a temptation to repeat it soon – if the big Premium Bond prize is waiting when we get home.

Unfortunately there was no £1 million cheque, only a rather stand-offish cat whose body language (absence of instant purring) conveyed clearly his annoyance at having been left to look after Elinor for all that time. He came round eventually but methinks that trust will have to be re-earned before he brings us mouse remains to share. The weather recognised our need for a gentle let-down and has been sunny and almost warm.

So here endeth the first blog according to Yrret – it’s hard work trying to keep reasonably up to date, especially when uploading isn’t available on a daily basis. I’m not sure how serious diarists do it; assigning a fixed period at a regular time must be the knack…but that assumes a consistent lifestyle and is close to work! Got that out of the system, thank you!

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